Thursday, April 30, 2009

Missa Cantata News Flash

Here's the updates:

  • For those who don't know, the Missa Cantata is scheduled for 7:00 pm May 21st at St. Ann's. All servers are expected to attend.
  • Finished server cards have been emailed out to all families, please pick two positions and know them by the May 4th session. Know them so well you will impress the Lord.
  • New Training session added for the Cherubim and those Seraphim who want to serve in the Missa Cantata on Friday May 8th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Missa Cantata position tests will be administered that day.
  • May 11th training practice has altered times: Seraphim are normal from 4:15 to 5:45. Cherubim are from 6:00 to 8:00. Fr. Reid, Terese, and the schola will work with us to do a complete rehearsal for the Missa Cantata. Yes, it's important to be there.
  • I need help with the program for the Missa Canata. Anyone interested can let me know asap.

This will be great as long as everyone is willing to put the finishing touches on and pray.

2nd Wednesday in Lent Low Mass Video (Part 5)

Training Recap - 4/27/09

I'd like to thank Terese Rowe for her efforts in teaching the servers how to sing the responses for the Missa Cantata. The servers did an excellent job. We're going to hopefully have one more session before the Missa Cantata.

Seraphim need to have the rest of the Low Mass covered for the next training session. Cherubim need to go over the Missa Cantata server cards that will be emailed out.

A recording of Monday's practice will be available online as soon as I figure out how to put it online. :)

Lot's more to come. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Training Recap - 4/21/09

We had a great day at training. The Seraphim made it through the Canon with some hard-core discussion on the Eucharist, transubstantiation, and Sacred Scripture. They also have a good bit of homework as we approach the end of the first phase of training:

Seraphim Homework:
  • Read John 1:1-18 before Monday April 27th.
  • Read Ezekiel Chapter 36 before Monday April 27th.
  • Complete the MEF Experience by May 20th, 2009 (I added the worksheet as a document on this site.)
  • Study for the MEF test to be given before May 20th at a training session after April 27th.
  • Be able to explain the Scriptural basis for the Sanctus for 10 extra credit points for the test with the two different sources of Scripture.

The Cherubim also worked hard on perfecting the Missa Cantata. Here is the latest info:

  • During the Procession, Ac1 and Ac2 will both go to the altar with the Cb and reverence the altar. The Cb will put the Cross up, but the Ac's will go off-sides, wait for the MC and Celebrant, genuflect with them, and then head to the credence table.
  • The Tb's will not flank each other in a diagonal fashion during the Canon when they kneel. They will form a straight line parallel with the altar.
  • After the Celebrant receives Jesus, the line up at the altar for receiving Communion has changed...MC-Ac2-Cb-Ac1-Bb-Th. (Th brings paten over.)
  • There are new rules for sitting in the choir...more info to come on that.
  • Cherubim will also take a test on one of the training dates. The test will cover all material ever presented, especially rubrics and Latin for the Low Mass and the Missa Cantata.

Please remember to come to the Monday April 27th training session to learn to sing the responses with Terese Rowe. Please note that in the next few weeks, we will do a run-through with Fr. Reid and the schola for the Missa Cantata. Please note that not all servers will be granted permission to sit in the choir. It's a privilege for those who will respect their ministry. It's a privilege, not a right.

Thanks to all for their dedication and hard work.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Time to learn how to chant...

For months, we've been expecting the music director at St. Ann's, Terese Rowe, to come and teach the servers how to properly respond in the Missa Cantata. Things are moving forward on schedule and Terese will be coming to our training session on Monday April 27th. We'll have both groups meet from 5 - 7 pm.

As you know it's rare to have guests come to our training sessions. It's even more rare to have a guest who will assist in the training. Terese has spent a lot of time acquiring the appropriate resources and training the schola to musically pray for the Missa Cantata. In the city of Charlotte, she's the first to do this. From my information, in the Diocese of Charlotte, she's the first to utilize an all male schola for a Missa Cantata.

To put this experience in perspective, I offer this slideshow: the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter Our Lady of Guadaloupe Seminary on learning Gregorian chant. (h/t to Roman Catholic Vocations). This is well worth your time.

Back to work

I hope everyone is enjoying the the Easter Octave. Tonight's MEF was great. Joseph and Luke Bruck did a good job serving and the Liturgy flowed smoothly. Now that the the Paschal season has begun, expect posts to continue regularly.

Jesus Christ is risen; Alleluia!

Friday, April 3, 2009

JP II - Salt and Light

Yesterday, April 2nd marked the fourth anniversary of the passing of John Paul II. Pope Benedict XVI's homily was reported on VIS and he capitalizes on the fervor and joy of the late pontiff's desire to spread the Word of God.

As disciples we are called to be the "salt of the earth*" and "the light of the world.*" As servers, we must serve the Lord in the Sanctuary and out in the world. Take a few moments to read the report and then take some time with your parents and family to discuss the late JP II's role in spreading the Gospel and what you can do to retain your saltiness and light.

*Suggested reading: Matthew 5: 13-14

3 APR 2009 (VIS) - In the Vatican Basilica at 6 p.m. yesterday, 2 April and fourth anniversary of the death of John Paul II, Benedict XVI presided at a Mass in commemoration of his predecessor. In his homily, Benedict XVI explained how John Paul II "remains alive in people's hearts, as is evident from the non-stop pilgrimage of the faithful to his tomb in the Vatican Grottoes".
Turning then to address young people he said: "Your presence brings to mind the enthusiasm John Paul II was able to infuse in the new generations. His memory is a stimulus for us all, as we gather in this basilica where he often celebrated the Eucharist, to allow ourselves to be illuminated and summoned by the Word of God". The Holy Father then considered the Gospel readings, highlighting the difficulties involved in being witnesses of Christ.
"Our thoughts", he said, "go to the beloved Servant of God Karol Wojtyla - John Paul II, who from his youth showed himself to be a bold and intrepid defender of Christ.

For His sake, he did not hesitate to spend all his energies in order to carry His light everywhere. He accepted no compromise when it came to proclaiming and defending His Truth. He never tired of spreading His love. From the beginning of his pontificate, right up to 2 April 2005, he was not afraid to proclaim, always and to everyone, that only Jesus is the true Liberator of man".
Benedict XVI also dwelt on the fruitfulness of John Paul II's pontificate. "We could say ... that he generated many sons and daughters in the faith", he affirmed, telling the young people present that they "ideally represent the ranks of young men and women who have participated in the twenty-three World Youth Days in various parts of the world. How many vocations to the priesthood and the consecrated life, how many young families resolved to live the evangelical ideal and to tend towards sanctity are linked to the testimony and preaching of my venerated predecessor!" the Pope cried. "How many young men and women have converted to, or maintained, the Christian path, thanks to his prayers, his encouragement and the support of his example"!
"John Paul II was able to communicate a powerful message of hope, founded on faith in Jesus Christ Who is 'is the same yesterday, and today, and forever'. ... As an affectionate father and a careful teacher, he indicated sure and sound points of reference indispensable for everyone, especially for the young. And in his final hours and his death this new generation wished to show they had understood his teaching, gathering silently in prayer in St. Peter's Square and many other places around the world. Those young people were aware that his demise was a loss: 'their' Pope was dying, whom they considered as 'their father' in the faith".
"We cannot live without hope", insisted the Holy Father, "but we must be careful. In times such as these, given the cultural and social context in which we live, there is a risk of reducing Christian hope to an ideology, to group slogans, to exterior cladding. Nothing could be more opposite to Jesus' message! He does not want His disciples 'to recite' a role, even a role of hope. He wants them 'to be' hope, and they can be so only if they remain united to Him".
"If the words of Christ remain within us, then we will be able to propagate the flame of love that He lit upon the earth; we will be able to hold high the torch of faith and hope. ... This is the flame that Pope John Paul II left as his legacy. He gave it to me as his successor, and this evening I ideally consign it, once again, to you young people of Rome, that you may continue to be sentinels of the morning, watchful and joyful at this dawn of the third millennium".

A classic video presentation of JPII that's been floating around the blogosphere. Enjoy.

Palm Sunday MEF at St. Ann's

Fr. Reid will be celebrating Palm Sunday using the Mass of the Extraordinary Form on Saturday April 4th. Mass will begin at 6:30 PM. This is a great and rare opportunity for Charlotte and the servers would get to see the rubrics for the distribution of palms at the beginning.

Thanks goes out to the Chase and Joseph Mack for serving tomorrow.

"So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying, "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!" (John 12:13)

Training Recap - 3/30

This past Monday, March 30th, the Seraphim moved forward into Lesson 2. Moving forward fast, on Monday April 6th we'll review Lessons 1 and 2 quickly and then we'll conquer Lesson 3 and start on Lesson 4.
Seraphim homework:

  • Servers need to be able to recite the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar with the proper rubrics.
  • Have practiced at home Lesson 2.
  • Have reviewed Lesson 3 & 4 (to the end of the Canon).

The Cherubim spent a good bit of time learning the Liturgy of the Hours. We prayed Vespers and will continue to learn and work on those prayers. Then we spent time working on the Missa Cantata.

I have a tentative date with Terese Rowe for April 27th or May 4th to practice singing so please plan on being available those two sessions. Last but not least, a new Mass and training schedule was handed out. The schedule is available on the blog. More to come.