Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Congratulations to the servers who were officially enrolled in the St. Ann MEF Server Ministry!

In the first rank, Junior Acolyte, the servers are required to know how to serve as Acolyte 2 in the Low Mass in addition to knowing how to serve as Torchbearer in the Missa Cantata. The servers also agree to be open to receiving encouragement and education on having a devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary as well as develop an interior prayer life. The servers were also required to take a challenging test and pass it. Last, but not least, the Postulants had to endure six months of training before they could enroll. Servers who had been participating in the program prior to this year assisted in the training of the postulants. At the Ceremony tonight, the servers all received a special rosary hand-picked by Fr. Reid for the occasion.

Here's the list of newly enrolled Junior Acolytes:

- Michael Kitson (Postulant)
- Nathaniel Rusciolelli (Postulant)
- AJ Olhaut (Postulant)
- Harry Olhaut (Postulant)
- Peter Rusciolelli (Postulant)
- Sam Dehority (1.5 years)
- Griffin Walsh (1.5 years)
- Thomas Mathis (1.5 years)
- Luke Bruck (2.5 years)
- Benjamin Bruck (2.5 years)
- Joseph Bruck (2.5 years)
- Will Borin (2.5 years)

A special regcognition went to Brady Ostendorf who was enrolled as a Master of Ceremonies, the highest rank the ministry offers. Brady has put in a lot of work, training, devotion, and committment to serving the Lord and received his own personal surplice as a gift from Fr. Reid. He took many tests and endured preparation and training above and beyond what's required. Thank you Brady for your service and desire to lead.

Congrats to all!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We're a go for the Ceremony!

This is confirmation that we will have the Ranking Ceremony tomorrow. All servers will dress out in cassock and surplice and sit in the choir during the Low Mass. You must show up by 5:45 at the latest if you want to sit in the choir. It is recommed to be there for Holy Hour.

I'll be sending out the program via email so that no one is surprised about what they are ceremoniously agreeing to.

If you want to be regcognized, you need to send in your application for advancement.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Application deadline

If you have not filled out the Application for Advancement, you must download it from the sidebar and fill it out. Scan it or re-type it and email it to me as soon as possible so I can send it to Fr. Reid by tomorrow evening. This needs to be done for advancement on Wednesday.

Disclaimer: This is not the confirmation everyone is expecting. I'll post daily.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Let's get started again

Happy Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus!

What a wild and crazy Christmas Octave that was for a lot of us. Getting back into the swing of things here's what's going on:

Saturday January 8th from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM, we will have our next training session. Those who have taken tests can bring those tests in for grading. Those who need to take written and skills tests will do so. After the training session, we will have a 15 minute informative session for the parents. After the session, questions will be answered on a one to one basis outside the Church.

Sunday January 9th 4:00 PM, we will have the Solemn High Mass in Greensboro, NC. Anyone who needs a ride just needs to pipe up at the next training session.

On Wednesday January 12th after the 6:00 PM MEF, we will have the ranking ceremony for the servers. Please make plans to attend.
Please note the updates to the Server rank information and application for advancement on the sidebar.