Friday, November 4, 2011

Winter is coming...

The schedule has been updated!

Please check the Mass and Training schedules for updates. I admit to doing it late at night so be wary of mistakes. Big ticket items coming up:

  • This coming Wednesday, November 9th, we will have the Rank Ceremony after the Low Mass. For those who have taken the Senior Acolyte Test at home, I need you to either drop it off at the St. Ann's office in an envelope addressed to me - David Liberto - or scan it and email it to me no later than 12:00 PM Sunday November 6th. Be sure to have sent your application for advancement as well if you haven't already. If you want to take the test, email me immediately.

  • Wednesday December 7th - Missa Cantata for the Vigil of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

  • Saturday December 17th - Solemn High Mass

Postulants need to practice their Latin on a regular basis. Please contact me if you need to arrange special sessions to practice with myself or a willing server. No excuses.

Enjoy your week!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Great Job!

Excellent job serving Our Lord yesterday everyone! A special thank you goes out to the Postulants who showed up and helped set up and break down and some of them served their first Latin Mass as well. Stay up with training, studying, and test taking. Here's the list of servers and positions from this weekend:

Crossbearer: David Carter

1. Griffin Walsh
2. Sam Dehority
3. Vincent Schiffiano
4. Simon Ohlhaut
5. Peter Rusciolelli
6. Will Borin

Boatbearer: Nathaniel Rusciolelli
Acolyte 2: Michael Kitson
Acolyte 1: AJ Ohlhaut

Thurifer: Harry Ohlhaut

MC: Brady Ostendorf

Monday, October 17, 2011

Encouragement for the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

We have a number of servers applying for advancement to the level of Senior Acolyte. In addition to an absolutely grueling, horrific, terrifying, and painful 20 question test, the servers must also be open to a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

In the first rank, Junior Acolyte, an devotion to the Blessed Mother of God is encouraged because Mary leads us to Jesus. Therefore, the second rank serves to fulfill that path in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Sacraments and Adoration are specifically encouraged as a way to embrace and experience Jesus Christ. Without faith in Christ, detailed movements and Latin phrases in the Mass are empty.

Also, the First Friday devotion is encouraged in addition to learning about St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. Please follow the links to learn more.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

October News

Great training today!

We want to welcome our two new and final Postulants for the year, Vincent Schiffiano and David Carter. This rounds out the 2011 class to seven and please take time to pray for the Postulants during their training period.

Just so no one feels lonely, here's some homework:

Read the Know Your Mass Book pages 23 - 31;
Read the How to Serve Low Mass book Lesson 2;
Listen and practice with the audio file of the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar on the blog;
Review all handouts and be prepared for an oral quiz at the next training session.

Review the entire Know Your Mass book prior to the next training session;
Practice positions for Christ the King Missa Cantata.

The next training session will be October 29th from 9 - 10 AM. Everyone is invited to attend the 8:00 AM Mass at St. Patricks Cathedral, followed by training at St. Ann's.

Pray hard. Love much.

Photo credit: Bowsk

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Francis Cardinal Arinze Offers Usus Antiquior in Providence

Francis Cardinal Arinze Offers Usus Antiquior in Providence

Thought this was pertinent given the Eucharistic Congress. Enjoy the pics.

St. Therese of Lisieux, ora pro nobis

Thanks to everyone who came out this past Saturday (St. Therese's Feast Day) to help setup the St. Ann's Carnival. Like St. Therese, we did simple acts of service that made a big difference to others. We worked for a few hours, prayed the rosary, ate some sweets, and went on tour of the Church provided by Fr. Reid.

Many people were grateful for our help, and as I mentioned before, it's good practice to extend serving outside the Sanctuary. Look for more service opportunities in the future, and remember that participation in these events helps you when it comes to rank advancement.

For the Postulants, please look to the side bar to find the Latin pronunciation resource box to help you in your training.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

St. Ann Carnival This Weekend

Just a reminder that we'll be meeting this Saturday morning at 7:45 AM to help set up the Carnival at St. Ann. Please meet in front of the Church. We'll spend two hours helping to get things ready. Then we'll break for a rosary at about 10:00 AM and then we'll continue helping until about 11:30 AM.

Last year, it was a lot of fun and a lot of work. The parishoners were very grateful and the head of the Carnival Committee called the other night to see if we were going to be there again this year.

Look forward to seeing everyone there!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

New Server Rank Update

Please take a moment to review some changes to the server ranks on the side bar. After some prayer and review, the academic requirements for the group has changed. The change reflects what is believed to be a smoother transition through the ranks without compromising standards.

Here's a review of upcoming dates:

Friday & Saturday September 23rd and 24th = Eucharistic Congress
Saturday October 1st = service opportunity 7:45 to 11:30/Noon - St. Ann Carnival
Sunday October 30th = Missa Cantata - Christ the King - 12:30 PM
Wednesday November 9th = Rank Ceremony after Low Mass
Thursday December 7th = Missa Cantata - Vigil of the Immaculate Conception - 6:00 PM
Saturday December 17th = Solemn High Mass - 7:00 PM

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

2011 Diocese of Charlotte Eucharistic Congress

For many families and Catholics in the Diocese, the Eucharistic Congress is a wondeful opportunity to experience Christ in the midst of fellow Catholics. Every year, I encourage the servers and their families to attend as much of the Concress as they can. This year has some special attractions:

The opportunity to hear, see, and even meet Cardinal Arinze in person is a worthy goal for anyone in our ministry. From 2002 - 2008 he served as the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. When it came to the Mass, MEF or MOF, he was the expert. He was considered a heavy candidate for the papacy back in 2005. I strongly recommend all of the servers to attend his talk.

The entire program is filled with great talks for all of the servers and their families, including Bishop Jugis and Bishop Burbidge. Sr. Angela de Fatima Coelho will give a talk on "The Eucharist and the Fatima Message." Seminarian Philip Johnson will talk about the"The Eucharist - Food for Redemptive Suffering." These last two talks include Marian and Eucharistic themes which are not only central to our Faith but also to our ministry.

Add to all of this a Pontifical High Mass, a Eucharistic Procession, Adoration, a potential plenary indulgence, Reconciliation, and hanging out with a whole bunch of Catholics...whew!..I really hope everyone gets to make the Congress.

As a disclaimer, I'm not advocating for the young men in our ministry to avoid the teen or middle school tracks, but I am saying that I think they would benefit from the adult track if they are inclined.

Click the pic below to link to the official site. (And remember can be a saint too!)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Immaculate Heart of Mary - presented by the servers

Congratulations to the following servers who turned in potential posts. Fr. Reid reviewed, corrected, and commented on all of the posts turned in and chose these two for publication. Immaculate Heart of Mary, cause of our joy, pray for us!

The Immaculate Heart of Mary
Thomas Mathis

The Immaculate Heart of Mary is a depiction of the holy mother's heart. In art work from many time periods, it has been depicted with a heart, a ring of flowers around it and swords piercing it. These details are not strict or to the letter, but rather a common part in its depiction. Each of the parts have a distinct meaning and reason for being there. For instance, the swords represent the pains and sufferings she would endure. The flowers, which are usually red and blue when colored, represent the fact that she is both a mother and queen of heaven.

You will find that many people are drawn to devotions for the Immaculate Heart throughout the world. This is partly because Mary appeared several times in which she openly encouraged Catholics to increase devotionals toward her heart, the most well known of these being Fatima. She wanted the world to pick up on a more prayer filled life and less sinful existence so that the world would be spared from the ominous clouds of pain and sorrow that were to come.

The Immaculate Heart of Mary
Griffin Walsh

Oh my God, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary…” begins my Daily Offering. We offer many prayers to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Immaculate Heart of Mary leads all people to Jesus Christ, her son. With Mary’s loving Heart we see her love for God. She shows us her humility, gratitude and obedience towards God with her pure heart. Mary’s heart is a symbol of Christian perfection, and we should strive to follow her virtues. It was Mary’s Immaculate Heart that responded with a yes to God when the angel appeared at the Annunciation.
There are many devotions to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. A devotion is an ardent and selfless affection and dedication to something or someone. The devotions to Mary’s Immaculate Heart bring us closer to God and Mary. The devotions include the first Saturday devotion, which is intended to make reparation for mankind’s sins. The other devotion is wearing a Miraculous medal. Two years ago I made a devotion for the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the first Friday. I am now considering making a devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. To reach perfection and Heaven we must follow Jesus and Mary's perfect way.

Holy Heart of Mary, Our Model
Life of Prayer, Life of Work, Life of Sacrifice.
Bouasse Lebel

2011 St Ann Carnival

Another opportunity for service is available on Saturday October 1st. Just like last year, we'll be helping to set up for the St. Ann's Carnival. We'll meet at 7:45 AM at St. Ann and remain to help until about 12 PM.

Last year we had a blast helping set up booths and tents. After we prayed the rosary, we headed back out and handed out balloons to kids. We even got a free treat from the bake sale! Although, I can't guarantee that we'll be able to get the treats again this year.

Many of the parishoners who were in charge of the Carnival last year were very relieved to have our assistance. It makes a big difference when we help out and it's an opportunity to extend our serving ministry beyond the Sanctuary as God calls us to do.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Homework time!

Servers need to remember to complete the assignment for this Monday's training session. For those who may have forgotten, all of the servers are to turn in a essay-type blog post on the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Please keep it to under 200 words and please use Church approved references. You may include links as well. Submissions are to either be emailed or handed in on paper by 4:15 August 22nd.

Also, if you know of anyone who might be interested in joining our 2011 new server class, we have one more spot for a potential server. Shoot me an email if someone comes to mind. They would still need to be approved by Fr. Reid for consideration.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thank you

A big thank you to all of the servers and their families who helped out with the Solemn High Mass for the Feast of St. Ann on Tuesday.

Specifically there's a number of folks to recognize for their efforts. First, thank you to the servers who made multiple practices, arrived early, and served with diligence before, during, and even after the Mass:

Brady O. - Thurifer
Peter Rusciolelli - Acolyte 1
Nathaniel Rusciolleli - Acolyte 2
Michael Kitson - Cross Bearer and Torch Bearer
Harry Ohlhaut - Lead Torch Bearer
AJ Ohlhaut - Lead Torch Bearer
Will Borin - Torch Bearer
Sam Dehority - Torch Bearer
David Rabideau - Torch Bearer
Joseph Mack - Torch Bearer

Additional thanks goes out to Thomas Mathis and his family (especially Danielle) for organizing and managing the pre-Mass dinner. The servers, seminarians, and priests were very grateful for the food during that busy time.

Another special thanks goes out to the Borins, Ostendorfs, and Rabideaus for working with such short notice on putting together the canopy for Bishop Jugis. It came out beautifully and I believe it showed Bishop Jugis that we think he's rather special. (A big thank you to the one organizing the canopy project who asked not to be named but worked very hard up until the moments before Mass began - thank you.)

Be on the look-out for publicity surrounding the Mass which will be coming out soon. The Diocese is very blessed to have a great group of families working so hard to glorify the Lord. Thank you again.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Fire up for the Holy Spirit

I'd like to thank all the servers and their families for all of the efforts during the last few months. Many people were very grateful for the Ascension Missa Cantata, and that type of Mass takes a good bit of preparation. Thanks to all the servers who assisted with this Mass:

AJ Ohlhaut, Brady Ostendorf, Peter Rusciolelli, Sam Dehority, Will Borin, Harry Ohlhaut, Nathaniel Rusciolelli, Luke Bruck, Joseph Bruck, and Griffin Walsh.

The next High Mass will be on Tuesday July 26th. It will be a first for St. Ann's this year as it will be a new feast for a High Mass, the Feast of St. Ann, and it will be a Solemn High Mass! Fr. Reid has rounded up some help to make it happen. It means some new rubrics for the servers to learn, but it will work.

Check out updated Mass and training schedules and be sure to pray the Novena to the Holy Spirit for Pentecost this week.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May is for Mary

Take time this month to get to know your mother...both here on Earth and in Heaven. Whether it's the Rosary or a renewed devotion to Our Lady under a specific title like Our Lady of Fatima or Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, she is a blessed advocate for the whole world.

Also check out the training schedule for May. All dates are subject to be cancelled for when God wants our child to be born. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Pray for us.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Divine Mercy Novena

Today begins the Divine Mercy Novena, and it continues till next Sunday, Divine Mercy Sunday.

I don't think I need to delve into reasons why it is crucial to petition the Lord for mercy with the general audience of this blog, but nonetheless, there are many in the world, including myself, who are in desperate need of God's mercy everyday.

A small reminder: As a part of our Thurifer rank, a devotion to God's Divine Mercy is specifically encouraged in our ministry. What a great opportunity to prepare for that Rank now!

Bottom line: souls need your advocacy; don't leave them to Hell.

Click here to be redirected to the EWTN's Resource page.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Serving During Holy Week

I often get strange looks and questions from parishoners, parents, priests, seminarians, and many other types of people when I explain the expectations we have for our MEF servers at St. Ann's. While Fr. Reid sets these expectations, I willingly apply the training, constantly pushing the servers in every aspect that I can.

Let's get to the point: serving at the altar is not a right; it's a privilege. Fr. Reid approved every single server in our ministry for a reason. Not everyone is called to be a priest. Not everyone is called to kneel three feet away from the Celebrant during the most sacred aspect in our faith, the Consecration.

We take the Mass very seriously. Serving in the Sanctuary always takes preparation, diligence, and love. We are not Pharisees. Completing rubrics and spouting off an ancient language like robots without understanding what's going on is an insult to the Lord and unbefitting of altar servers. That's one reason it takes 6 months to complete basic training to be an acolyte at Low Mass. We focus on understanding and the goal is to cultivate a stronger relationship with God and a stronger love for Him. Start off as a "slave for Christ," train, learn, and listen, and then Christ will invite you to be his friend (John 15:15) as Pope Benedict XVI reminded us in his message to Altar servers. Thus, once in the Sanctuary, you are loving God and glorifying Him through excellent and diligent serving.

As Lent comes to it's culmination, the emphasis on the Liturgy during Holy Week is heightened and intensified. Servers must step up to the occasion:

1. Mind your appearance before the King of Kings - haircut, shoes shined, showered, and shaved.

2. Reverence for the King of Kings - pause when genuflecting, move slowly and purposefully, keep your eyes down, mind the altar, the vessels, and the tabernacle.

3. Be conscientious to imitate the King of Kings - arrive in plenty of time, help without being asked, be the example.

4. Prepare to be in the presence of the King of Kings and to receive Him: Sacrament of Reconciliation, time spent in Adoration, and learning humility. Especially ask Our Lady for help.

Lastly, training does not stop once you leave St. Ann's. You bring everything you are to the Sanctuary when you serve, and therefore you must serve at home as you would serve at Church. Spend your day imitating Christ so that when you are in His Sanctuary you will bring with you the sweet aroma of charity from serving your family well.

Be silent angels this week and glorify God.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April and Youth Lenten Retreat

Training this week is on Tuesday April 5th from 4:15 to 5:45 pm. This is the second time I'm announcing that practice attendance in March, April, and May will help guide who is chosen to do what in Missa Cantata's this year.

The Diocese of Charlotte is sponsoring a Youth Lenten Pilgrimage this Saturday from 9 AM to 8 PM at Belmont Abbey. Click here to see the info page about the day. If anyone is interested in going and does not have a youth group to go with, I will consider taking servers this year. If you want to experience Christ in the company of your fellow servers and North Carolina Youth, I am highly encouraging the trip this year. Let me know.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Practice cancellation notice

I commend the parents for the keeping me updated on family schedules. Unfortunately, due to the high number of servers who can't make it to Saturday's practice, I'm going to have to cancel it.

I've updated the training schedule and I'll confirm today about the 4th or 5th next week.

We have an opening for this Saturday evening's Mass for Ac1 if anyone is interested. Please let me know.

Monday, March 28, 2011

New Novus Ordo Missal

The new English translation of the Roman Missal is coming out and the servers will recognize that the changes reflect the Latin responses they've learned in the MEF.

Even so, there's still an opportunity to learn about the responses which has been an integral part of our ministry. The Diocese of Charlotte has been putting out education in the Catholic News and Herald on a regular basis, but in addition, the Diocese of Charlotte has also produced some great videos featuring Fr. Brandon Jones of St. Mark in Huntersville. Here they are:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lenten update

Lent is upon us. I hope everyone got their ashes yesterday and has begun Lenten practices by now. I have some news for the entire group so here we go:

Next training session is this Tuesday March 15th from 4:15 to 5:45. Please be prepared for the training prior to arriving. Go over your Mass cards and your roles for the Missa Cantata. Just so there is no confusion, attendance is going to be considered when assigning roles for the Missa Cantata's this summer.

There will not be a Missa Cantata for the Annunciation this year on March 25th as there is no priest available to celebrate it. It is still a Holy Day of obligation, so make sure to attend Mass.

The next Missa Cantata will probably be in May for the Ascension. I expect Fr. Reid will want to do at least two to three Missa Cantata's between May and July so we'll be focusing on that in training.

Fr. Reid has mentioned a few things that need to be addressed: If you are not going to show up to Mass as assigned, then I need to be informed no matter what. We've had some team players help out, especially Will Borin and Joseph Mack, but it is the original server's responsibility to be aware and to manage to be at Mass. Second, Fr. Reid has mentioned that servers are arriving late to help set up for Adoration. Servers are REQUIRED to be at St. Ann's by 4:30 pm to set up for Adoration on Wednesday and by 5:45 pm to set up for Saturday evening Mass. This comes from Fr. Reid and it is a matter of obedience on the server's part. Lastly, when servers extinguish the candles, please let the smoke extinguish prior to replacing the glass chimney and wipe the chimney after Mass. We'll review this at training.

The April Mass Schedule is out but the training schedule will need to wait as I'm waiting for my April schedule from work at this time.

Fr. Reid did commend the servers and their hard work. Keep up the good work.

Photo credit: The Catholic Traveler

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A great time

I've gotten reports from servers, families, and priests that the field trip to St. Bernadette was successful and enjoyable. Fr. Gober was very impressed with the server's catechesis and he credited that to the families. Both Fr. Reid and Fr. Gober were grateful for the time and effort put into the questions presented to them in the Q&A session. We all had fun running around Linville Falls as well. Look for more trips in the future!

Just a reminder that we have training this Tuesday from 4:15 until 5:45 as usual and we'll be covering Missa Cantata work and reviewing the field trip.

Please keep all of the servers and their families in your prayers but please pray especially for Mr. Stefano who's enduring some blessed challenges and has requested prayers.

Anyone want to fill in for Ac2 on Saturday March 5th? If so please email me.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Field Trip!!!

So here's the list of what's going on and what needs to happen:

Servers need to eat breakfast prior to attending. A very gracious parent is supplying snacks and some beverages in an ice-chest, but servers are still on their own to ensure they have enough to eat outside of lunch which will be provided.

Servers need to bring outdoor clothes. If we do go hiking, we're not going hard-core. It will be a maximum of 2 miles on easy trails around Linville Falls or field games.

Servers need to bring great attitudes and a willingness to be open to God and open to being teammates with the other servers.

We decided to simplify the trip and decrease the driving and only go to one parish. Fr. Reid chose Linville = we go to Linville, NC.

No permission slip = no Linville. No permission slip = no Linville. No permission slip = no Linville. We're Catholic; it's always better in 3's. If you need a permission slip, email me.

Each server needs to bring 3 thoughtful questions written down on paper to ask the priests.

Here's the itinerary....suggestions are welcome. We've never done this before.
8:00 AM Morning Prayer and Rosary at St. Ann’s
+ Collect permission slips
9:00 AM Mass with Fr. Reid
+ Select servers to serve Mass
10:00 AM depart for Linville, NC
+ Rides - Do you want to ride up with your parents if they're driving?
-Leaders are Brady, Joseph, & Benjamin.
-Questions, Games, & CD of Archbishop Fulton Sheen
-if in the cars at 12:00, pray Angelus
12:30 PM Lunch (pizza at St. Bernadette)
-Discussion from the car rides
-Office of Readings – Liturgy of the Hours
1:30 PM Tour St. Bernadette with Fr. Reid
2:30 PM Holy Hour / Adoration / Confession?
-Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3pm
3:30 PM Hiking at Linville Falls/Gorge (if weather permits) or use the church parking lot for some football/ultimate Frisbee – group choice – either will be fun and either will be free.
-If we have poor weather, we’ll go straight to the question and answer session and bypass outdoor activities.
4:30 PM Q & A session with Fr. Reid & Fr. Gober
5:15 PM depart for Charlotte
-6pm Angelus
7:30 PM pick up in Charlotte

Parents please be aware that we may come home earlier. You will be informed on the ride home if this need arises.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

February Shake-Up

Two big ticket items:

First and most pressing is the February Mass Schedule. Due to circumstances, the change in training times in the last few weeks has wreaked havoc on the schedule. After taking time to review individual needs and ministry needs, I've re-worked the February Mass schedule. Please understand that I don't like this kind of change with such short notice. I have been trying to really address individual needs, but I have to make decisions based on the group as a whole.
Please also note, that the next training session is on February 12th at 10:00 AM and everyone needs to be there to catch up.

If you can't make a particular date based on the current schedule, let me know.

For future scheduling, I am waiting to post March scheduling information until the weekend of the February 12th when I'll start my new job at CMC-Pineville ICU. Once they give me a schedule at that time, I'll make the server schedule as opposed to making something now and having to change things again.

We have a green light for our Monday February 21st Server Field Trip. Servers and parents are invited on the trip; everyone can obviously come to the Mass.
Here's the rough draft itinerary:

  • Everyone meet at St. Ann at 9:00 AM for Mass.
  • Carpool up to the St. Lawrence Basilica in Asheville, NC. (Bring a snack for the ride up)
  • Tour the Basilica with Fr. Reid and pray the rosary. (Bring your rosary)
  • Lunch in Asheville at a restaurant. (Can someone head up research on a decent one?)
  • Travel to either Linville, NC or Tryon, NC (Fr. Reid hasn't confirmed which one yet.)
  • Tour the 2nd parish with Fr. Reid and Fr. Gober.
  • Question and Answer session with Fr. Reid and Fr. Gober. (More on that to come)
  • Carpool back to St. Ann.

We intend to throw in a outside activity during the day. This is the first time we've done this but I really think it's going to be a wonderful opportunity for the servers. I'll need someone to organize carpooling which can be done via email and during the Saturday Feb 12th training session.

Thanks to Griffin and Will for stepping up and assisting at the Candlemas this past Wednesday. It was good to try it out, and we'll be better prepared for next year. Comment away...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Congratulations to the servers who were officially enrolled in the St. Ann MEF Server Ministry!

In the first rank, Junior Acolyte, the servers are required to know how to serve as Acolyte 2 in the Low Mass in addition to knowing how to serve as Torchbearer in the Missa Cantata. The servers also agree to be open to receiving encouragement and education on having a devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary as well as develop an interior prayer life. The servers were also required to take a challenging test and pass it. Last, but not least, the Postulants had to endure six months of training before they could enroll. Servers who had been participating in the program prior to this year assisted in the training of the postulants. At the Ceremony tonight, the servers all received a special rosary hand-picked by Fr. Reid for the occasion.

Here's the list of newly enrolled Junior Acolytes:

- Michael Kitson (Postulant)
- Nathaniel Rusciolelli (Postulant)
- AJ Olhaut (Postulant)
- Harry Olhaut (Postulant)
- Peter Rusciolelli (Postulant)
- Sam Dehority (1.5 years)
- Griffin Walsh (1.5 years)
- Thomas Mathis (1.5 years)
- Luke Bruck (2.5 years)
- Benjamin Bruck (2.5 years)
- Joseph Bruck (2.5 years)
- Will Borin (2.5 years)

A special regcognition went to Brady Ostendorf who was enrolled as a Master of Ceremonies, the highest rank the ministry offers. Brady has put in a lot of work, training, devotion, and committment to serving the Lord and received his own personal surplice as a gift from Fr. Reid. He took many tests and endured preparation and training above and beyond what's required. Thank you Brady for your service and desire to lead.

Congrats to all!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We're a go for the Ceremony!

This is confirmation that we will have the Ranking Ceremony tomorrow. All servers will dress out in cassock and surplice and sit in the choir during the Low Mass. You must show up by 5:45 at the latest if you want to sit in the choir. It is recommed to be there for Holy Hour.

I'll be sending out the program via email so that no one is surprised about what they are ceremoniously agreeing to.

If you want to be regcognized, you need to send in your application for advancement.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Application deadline

If you have not filled out the Application for Advancement, you must download it from the sidebar and fill it out. Scan it or re-type it and email it to me as soon as possible so I can send it to Fr. Reid by tomorrow evening. This needs to be done for advancement on Wednesday.

Disclaimer: This is not the confirmation everyone is expecting. I'll post daily.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Let's get started again

Happy Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus!

What a wild and crazy Christmas Octave that was for a lot of us. Getting back into the swing of things here's what's going on:

Saturday January 8th from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM, we will have our next training session. Those who have taken tests can bring those tests in for grading. Those who need to take written and skills tests will do so. After the training session, we will have a 15 minute informative session for the parents. After the session, questions will be answered on a one to one basis outside the Church.

Sunday January 9th 4:00 PM, we will have the Solemn High Mass in Greensboro, NC. Anyone who needs a ride just needs to pipe up at the next training session.

On Wednesday January 12th after the 6:00 PM MEF, we will have the ranking ceremony for the servers. Please make plans to attend.
Please note the updates to the Server rank information and application for advancement on the sidebar.