Monday, June 6, 2011

Fire up for the Holy Spirit

I'd like to thank all the servers and their families for all of the efforts during the last few months. Many people were very grateful for the Ascension Missa Cantata, and that type of Mass takes a good bit of preparation. Thanks to all the servers who assisted with this Mass:

AJ Ohlhaut, Brady Ostendorf, Peter Rusciolelli, Sam Dehority, Will Borin, Harry Ohlhaut, Nathaniel Rusciolelli, Luke Bruck, Joseph Bruck, and Griffin Walsh.

The next High Mass will be on Tuesday July 26th. It will be a first for St. Ann's this year as it will be a new feast for a High Mass, the Feast of St. Ann, and it will be a Solemn High Mass! Fr. Reid has rounded up some help to make it happen. It means some new rubrics for the servers to learn, but it will work.

Check out updated Mass and training schedules and be sure to pray the Novena to the Holy Spirit for Pentecost this week.

1 comment:

  1. My son has expressed interest in learning to be a server. What is the training schedule for St. Ann's? Thanks.
