Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Annunciation announcements

If it wasn't official before, it is now; Thursday 25th at 7:00 pm Fr. Reid will offer a Missa Cantata for the Feast of the Annunciation at St. Ann's. I sat down with Fr. Reid this week and he accomplished a lot for the MEF at St. Ann's:

  1. Hundreds of dollars of new cassocks have been ordered and will be at St. Ann's within 5 weeks. (Yes Luke, we ordered an 11 just for you.)
  2. The Spring Mass schedule has been hammered out and is available on the side bar.
  3. The Server training schedule has been completed and is available on the side bar. Please note the Monday March 15th training session with the Schola and hopefully Fr. Reid for a Missa Cantata rehearsal. It is imperative to make that training session.
  4. An additional Missa Cantata may be planned for Thursday May 13th on the Feast of the Ascension which we did last year.

Let me know if mistakes have been made on the schedules or how I can help you in your ministry.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Piano = no practice today

Sorry for the late notice, but there will not be any practice today. On a better "note," my little family got an upright piano for the cost of moving it. On a worse "note," the piano fell on my leg while moving it. But the piano is fine, so don't worry.

My leg swelled up a bit, but rest, ice, compression dressings, and elevation have brought it down a good bit. I will need to rest it today and therefore practice gets cancelled. I've notified many of the server families, but please call someone if you talk with them regularly just to make sure they're aware.

Otherwise, the text Missa Cantata is officially scheduled for Thursday March 25th, the Annunciation. More details to come. I'll also work on the schedule, and we'll reschedule todays training for another time.

Please use this opportunity to go over the Latin and practice rubrics for the Low Mass. Have a happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I hope everyone had a lot fun glorifying the Lord during the Christmas season and spending time with family. Today there will be practice at St. Ann's at 4:15.

Hope to see everyone there.