So finally the next Missa Cantata approaches. Here are some updates for everyone:
- Monday March 15th practice begins at 5:30 pm! It's been moved earlier to accomodate Fr. Reid's schedule. Everyone needs to be on time, please. Please comment, email, or call to confirm that you have received this news.
- At the end of the Missa Cantata, the servers will process out of the Church, receive the blessing from Fr. Reid and return to the altar rail to pray the St. Michael the Archangel prayer. The schola will be singing the Salve Regina that we sing at the end of practice prior to our arrival at the altar rail.
- Homework essay: 200 word essay that is due on March 22nd addressing the following: How does God answer your prayers? Please give an example of an instance when you felt your prayers were answered. Please also include a quote from a Saint, Pope Benedict XVI, or a previous Pope about prayer.