Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Diocese of Charlotte Youth Pilgrimage '09
The Diocese of Charlotte is once again offering the Lenten Youth Pilgrimage to Belmont Abbey. The official website provides good information. (Scroll down when you click the link.)
Here are the basics:
1. Sunday March 29th, 2009 from 12:30 to 6:15 pm at Belmont Abbey.
2. ***Eucharistic Exposition, Adoration, Procession, and Benediction*** (best reason to go)
3. Programs for parents and the young attendees.
4. Bishop Jugis, Abbot Placid Solari, and Seminarian Paul McNulty to talk.
5. Vespers Opportunity to praise the Lord with area youth.
I would like to see a 100% attendance to this Pilgrimage as it would be a huge blessing for anyone serving in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. "The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith." I'm looking for chaperones to assist, although I believe parents and families would benefit from attending as well.Photo credit:
Second Wednesday in Lent Low Mass Video
Training Recap - St. Patrick's Day
Seraphim Homework:
- Watch the videos on this blog to assist with being comfortable with Lesson #1.
- Using the server cards and the little white book (How to serve Low Mass & Benediction) to review and know Lesson #2 and go over Lesson #3.
- We had some Seraphim who were very competent with the Latin. Everyone needs to be comfortable with the first part of the Mass. Review it as much as you can. When it's time to actually serve, being comfortable with the first part will make a huge difference.
- Go to the Wednesday MEF at St. Ann's. Experience what you are learning about.
The Cherubim had a poor turnout due to many factors. David R. made a cameo appearance for our first training session back on the Missa Cantata. With some more revisions to the cards, we breezed through a practice run. Highlights to changes will be posted later.
The Cherubim are encouraged to acquire a breviary, the Liturgy of the Hours, so that we can pray evening prayer at the training sessions. You can either get Christian Prayer, or if you're really motivated, you can get the four volume edition!
Our journaling prompt for this session was: God loves me. Sin can distance us from the Lord. Sometimes we have difficulty receiving love as a consequence of sin. Remember God loves you know matter what happens.
Next practice is March 30th at the regular times. See you there!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
A note on Eucharistic Adoration
"The doctrine of the transubstantiation of the bread and wine, and of the real presence, are a truth of faith, already evident in Holy Scripture and later confirmed by the Fathers of the Church", said Benedict XVI.
After then explaining that, "in the Eucharist, adoration must become union: union with the living Lord and with His mystical Body", the Pope recalled words he had pronounced at World Youth Day 2005 in the German city of Cologne: "God no longer simply stands before us as the One who is totally Other. He is within us, and we are in Him. His dynamic enters into us and then seeks to spread outwards to others until it fills the world, so that His love can truly become the dominant measure of the world."On that occasion", he added, "I also reminded young people that in the Eucharist we experience the fundamental transformation of violence into love, of death into life. This brings other changes in its wake".The Pope highlighted the importance of a renewal of Eucharistic adoration. This, he said, "will only be possible through a greater awareness of the mystery in complete faithfulness to Sacred Tradition, and by enhancing liturgical life within our communities". In this context, he also expressed his appreciation at the fact that the plenary had examined the question of "the formation of all the People of God in the faith, with particular concern for seminarians, favouring their development in a spirit of authentic Eucharistic adoration"."Recalling three penitential practices particularly dear to biblical and Christian tradition (prayer, almsgiving and fasting)", he concluded, "let us encourage one another to rediscover and practice fasting with renewed fervour, not only as a form of asceticism but also as a preparation for the Eucharist and as a spiritual weapon to fight against any disordered attachment to ourselves". "
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Going Public
- Anyone and everyone can see the blog.
- Anyone who is registered with Blogger can comment.
- All comments will be moderated before posting.
Those I talked with agreed that the resources this blog will provide would be beneficial to many in our Diocese and elsewhere. As long as the volume of comments are reasonable, I can ensure a safe environment for families, children, and those striving for holiness.
Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts, and thanks to everyone for their patience as the blog is continuously developed.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Low Mass Video Part 1
*update: The rest of the videos for this Mass will not be posted due to technical difficulties (I've always wanted to use that phrase meaningfully.) I was able to record a new MEF, without annoying sounds, that will be posted as soon it as it finishes uploading.
Monday, March 9, 2009
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
The first test run of this blog will be a couple of questions posed to the parents of the servers:
- Right now, this blog will be only viewable to those invited. Comments made on posts will only be from invited members. Should the blog be available to the public?
- If the blog is available to the public, should only members be allowed to comment?
Fr. Reid will have the final say on everything, but input from the parents are crucial in making such decision.