Monday, March 9, 2009

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

Welcome to the St. Ann's MEF servers blog. Due to the large amount of information and resources necessary to instruct, educate, and catechize the young men serving at St. Ann's, a demand grew for a organized method of communication. This blog will serve as a supplement to the formation these young men receive.

The first test run of this blog will be a couple of questions posed to the parents of the servers:
  • Right now, this blog will be only viewable to those invited. Comments made on posts will only be from invited members. Should the blog be available to the public?
  • If the blog is available to the public, should only members be allowed to comment?

Fr. Reid will have the final say on everything, but input from the parents are crucial in making such decision.


  1. Mr. Liberto,

    This blog was a really good idea. communication will be alot easier now that you made this, especially since there have been new additions to the MEF serving team.

    Thanks for all that you do,

  2. I think that, even though the blog is for the servers, there may be someone/some people that could benefit from it. This depends largly on what you plan to put on it though. For instance, if it were public, it would be inapropriete to point out the parts we need to work on.

    Both sides of the issue now presented, I think that it should remain members only, because everyone would be less willing to say what they thought.

    Is there any way to make the schedual or other certain parts of the blog public, just not the comments?

