Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wrapping up December '09

I would like to send out a warm conrats to newly ordained Deacon Lucas Rossi. Yesterday, the Ordination Mass was beautiful and filled with joy. Bishop Jugis commented during his homily how in the second reading, Deacon Phillip was told by the angel to "go south." Phillip obeyed and ended up assisting a traveling Ethiopian eunuch in understanding a scroll of Isaiah. Then in the zeal of receiving the Truth, the eunuch exclaimed, "See , here is water! what is to prevent my being baptized?" (Acts 8:36). Lucas also obeyed the Lord's will in coming from the Diocese of Peoria in Illinois to Charlotte. As a Deacon, his role will be to proclaim the Word of the Lord, assist with Baptisms, Marriages, funerals, and public prayer, and assist in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Lucas brings a wonderful gift of Joy to the Diocese of Charlotte and to his ministry. As a transitional Deacon, Lucas may be ordained into the priesthood as early as this summer, so let's be sure to continue to keep him in our prayers. By the way, after the Mass, Lucas commented that he will be receiving instruction in how to offer the MEF. Take time to pray for Lucas, the Deacons of the Diocese of Charlotte, those in training to be Deacons, all of our Priests, and our seminarians. God is good.

Please remember that the next training session will be next Tuesday December 29th from 4:15 to 5:45 pm.

I have completed the 2-server training cards and will be distributing them out at the next two meetings.

The next Missa Cantata will be in March. Fr. Reid and Terese Rowe are still finalizing which date will be utilized, the Feast of St. Joseph or the Annunciation.

For those who are interested I'm posting a link to the 2010 Mass Calendar also known as the Liturgical Ordo. This Ordo is for the Old Rite (MEF) calendar and does not always match up with the Novus Ordo Calendar.

Come, Lord Jesus!

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