Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Server Cards and Homework

Finally I offer you the combined server cards for the Missa Cantata at St. Ann's. During the next two weeks leading up to the next training session, I expect the servers to peruse the cards and point out all kinds of errors and mistakes. Anyone else may do the same.

Lastly homework that is do by the next training session is to have read all of the propers for the Annunciation from the 1962 Missal and be ready for an oral quiz at the training session on March 1st. Don't have access to the propers? Just let me know and I'll point you to the right direction.

Final line up for Annunciation Missa Cantata:
Cross Bearer: Chris Borin/Sam Dehority
Thurifer: Joseph M.
Boat bearer: Luke Bruck
Ac's: Brady O and Benjamin B
Torch bearer's:
  1. JP Mack
  2. Joseph Yellico
  3. Griffin Walsh
  4. Will Borin
  5. Joseph B
  6. Thomas Mathis

1 comment:

  1. Hey,

    Can you point me in the right direction please?
    I just found out about this homework about 4 hours ago, and have spent the last 2 looking for a Daily Missal. I can't find one.

