Thursday, May 20, 2010

Get ready...

I got an email from seminarian Noah Carter, who will be staying in Charlotte for a bit, complimenting the servers on the Ascension Missa Cantata. He told me he saw the pictures and they looked beautiful. I read his email, and I thought, "What pictures?" Then I got on to the Diocese of Charlotte website and saw this:

Missa Cantata from David Hains on Vimeo.

Our little group has already been asked to serve a Missa Cantata this summer at another parish (more details to come). We've got a new class of servers coming this month and after this publicity, expect more.

Bottom line: God is telling us that we're doing good. Stay focused and disciplined, and let's keep up the good work!

See you Saturday at the party!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Training Time Change

Sorry for the late notice everyone. This Monday, the Missa Cantata run-through will be from 5 - 7 pm. That's 5pm to 7pm which is an hour earlier. This change is to accomodate Fr. Reid's schedule. The late notice is my fault as I've known for over a week now. That being said, I still expect the servers to have reviewed their roles for the Missa Cantata to be prepared for Monday evening at 5:00 pm.

Don't forget about the Summer Server Party at the Borin's. All Latin Mass servers and their families are invited to attend. It's on Saturday May 22nd at 6:00 pm.

I also need to add a friendly reminder that parents need to be aware of when they are supposed to show up for their role in Protecting God's Children. We've had some very gracious help with some parents volunteering to stay when others didn't make it, didn't find a substitute, and didn't notify me. Please remember that if we do not have an extra adult, training will be immediately cancelled.

More to come...