Monday, June 29, 2009

Back from a break

Sorry for delay in writing. I'm getting back into the swing of things. Please pray for my little family as we continue to search and follow God's will in finding a new home.

Check the updated Mass schedule. I've had to rearrange some folks due to sicknesses and other appeals. If this schedule doesn't work for you please let me know.

New Missa Cantata date is Saturday October 24th, the Vigil of the Feast of Christ the King!

More news to come.


  1. Mr. Liberto:
    Where is this updated Mass schedule? Is it at the same link as the older one? -Joseph B.

  2. Mr. Liberto,

    I won't be able to serve the August 5th Mass, as I will be in NM from July 21st-August 5th.
    Thanks for everything!

    -Brady O.

  3. Joseph, the updated schedule is now on the left under "revised summer '09 Mass schedule.


  4. Brady, I've taken care of the schedule.
