Friday, June 12, 2009

Corpus Christi and more

This Sunday June 14th, all are invited to sit in the choir at the Novus Ordo 10:30 Mass. Here are your rubrics for that Mass:

  • Be at St. Ann's by 10:00 AM. Dress in cassock and surplus. (If no cassock and surplus, dress in the white alb and cincture.) Per Fr. Reid's approval you will process up in pairs at the beginning of Mass. You will genuflect in pairs in front of the altar and then go to the liturgical choir. Your movements will be the same as the congregation, but be sure not to fidget as you will be an example for others. When it comes time for Communion, proceed to the Lateral Gospel side behind the acolytes kneeling on the step. Father will give you Communion and you are to return to the liturgical choir and kneel. At the end of Mass, you will process out under Fr. Reid's instructions. Then he will direct how you are to go about the actual Corpus Christi procession. He will need someone to ring the bells during the procession. I will not be there due to work, but my prayers will be there. All questions are to be directed to Lucas, the seminarian, and Fr. Reid.

This Monday June 15th we'll have a dinner party at the Borin's after the training session. (I know some may not be able to make it, but this was the only and best oppotunity to have it.) Please call each other and spread the word. Bring your swim permitting. Families of the servers may attend. Families need to bring side dishes and deserts. Address and directions will be provided in the next day or two.

Due to sickness, we had Joseph and Benjamin Bruck step up and serve this past Wednesday. As a result, I rearranged the schedule a little to compensate so check it out. Thank you to those who couldn't make it which gave me notice beforehand to get the word out. Thanks to Debbie Mack for helping as I was at work at the time.

All are encouraged to pray the Corpus Christi novena in preparation for this weekend. Our ministry is to humble ourselves for Our Lord who humbles Himself by His Presence in the most Blessed Sacrament.

Sacred Heart of Jesus...have mercy on us.

Photo credit: Rrrodrigo

1 comment:

  1. Chris and I are looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night at our home for the party. Our address is 3759 Abingdon Rd, 28211. We are about 5 miles from St. Ann's. Vicki
