Monday, August 3, 2009

"August Happenings"

1. With so many of our servers attending Discernment Day, we are in need of other MEF servers to volunteer in assisting with set up for the Wednesday (Aug 5th) Benediction/Adoration. We have servers who can make it for the Mass, but we are in need for Benediction/Adoration. I will be working and so I cannot make it at that time.
2. My little family will be moving to a new house in a few weeks (Aug. 22nd). In order to make the move successful, I've had to move a training session from Monday August 17th Training session to Tuesday August 18th for the same time (4:15 to 6:00 pm).
3. Seminarian Lucas Rossi will not be attending any more training sessions due to schedule conflicts and he will be leaving his post at St. Ann's next week. I am asking all of the servers and their families to offer up prayers for Lucas and provide a card so we can gather them up for a spiritual care package for his last year in seminary.
4. We will begin work on the next Missa Cantata at the next training session. Servers are asked to bring their previous Missa Cantata work with them so we can jump start right back in it.
5. Early September will be the move in time for the new Church. Please be flexible with the schedule as we approach. We will be looking to help Mrs. Kuhn and Fr. Reid move items from the Sanctuary back into the new Church as well so stay tuned for more information.

1 comment:

  1. hello mr. L. I will not be able to come to practice on tuesday. from nate.
