Sunday, May 31, 2009
Summer '09 schedule Round 2
Here's the practice schedule for the summer as well. As you can see, we're stepping back a bit with the training.
If anyone who's willing to host the servers and their families for a get-together/party please contact me.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Comment away!
Proposed Summer Schedule
In July Fr. Reid will be making a trip for a few weeks and hopefully Fr. Kauth will come down to celebrate the MEF at St. Ann's. If this doesn't happen, we'll have to retool the schedule.
This shedule is not final. I'm asking that the servers and their parents go over it and let me know what won't work. This schedule will be finalized in one week, next Friday.
The training schedule should be out later today or this weekend. Thanks.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Post Missa Cantata - summer '09
- The Latin servers have been asked to be in the Corpus Christi procession at St. Ann's. This will occur on June 14th. More details will be made available as they come. All who can attend and serve are welcome.
- The next practice will be this Saturday, May 30th from 9 - 10:30 AM. If anyone can't attend Mass because the practice is too early, let me know and we'll change it to 10, but as for right now it'll be at 9 AM. I will hand out the proposed summer schedule at this practice. The new servers will be on it. The first new server will serve next Wednesday June 3rd.
- There will not be practice on Monday June 1st.
- There will be a Low Mass on Wednesday June 3rd.
More information to come.
Pic credit: Christopher M.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
All Glory to God
Parents, thank you for your support and efforts. Tonight would not have been possible without you.
I've got to work for the next three days, so no posts until Monday. No practice this coming Monday. I'll post the schedules next week for the summer. I'm very excited about bringing the Seraphim on board as we combine the groups.
Again, excellent job everyone.
T minus seven hours and a half hours...
I needed to clarify that the Seraphim not serving tonight don't have to be there until 6:15-6:30 pm. We'll hopefully have a small space in the front rows for the families of our servers. Some are asking why we have these seats reserved. First, there might be standing room only tonight...who knows how many are really going to show up. Second, I want all the servers and their families to get an upfront view of what's going on because they will be involved in it eventually. Third, because I can. :)
Last minute checklist:
- If serving, be there by 5:45 PM dressed and ready to go.
- Please be sure to eat well beforehand and bring snacks if necessary. I don't need servers fainting in the middle of this one.
- I will need assistance in the last half-hour because I have alot to do and I won't be able to direct traffic so I'm counting on the servers, families, and staff. (I've even called in Carol Kuhn.)
- Please prepare yourself with all of your soul. Family rosaries are a great way to do this. Meditation on Sacred Scripture that will be read is another good way.
- Last but not least, we've spent months's in God's hands'll be fine.
Dads and moms, I might need a camera operator, a choir helper, a first-aid go-to person, a babysitter and who knows what else...just in case anyone wants to help out. :)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Off the Cuff training time today
Missa Canata Home Stretch
Sorry for the major delays in posting. I'm moving on a lot of things. Here's the basics for right now:
- All servers meet at St. Ann's at 5:45pm to set up and go through a 20 minute run-through.
- There will not be any dinner or post-Mass happenings due to the need to simplify at this time. (Expect a party in the near future for all the hard work we've put in!)
- Due to the seminarians and priests attending, I'll need to have time to prepare them for their rubrics prior to the start of Mass, so I'll need help getting ready so that I have time for them.
- There has been a major change for Communion for Ac's, Th, and Bb. No changes for Tb's. More info on that later.
- Stay tuned today. More info to come.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Debbie, Vicki, Shannon, Marla, Amber, Danielle, Amy, Amie, Theresa, Elizabeth, Lisette, and Kathy.
Ave María, grátia plena, Dóminus tecum; benedícta to in muliéribus, et benedíctus fructus ventris tui, Jesus. Sancta María, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatóribus, nunc et in hora mortis, nostræ. Amen.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Dig into the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
While the Church has not formally recognized Catalina as a true visionary, in 2000, Fr. Daniel Gagnon of the Archdiocese of Mexico's Commission for the Doctrine of Faith has stated that,
Because of the copyright I will link to the article, and I highly recommend this for the servers because it provides some spiritual insight into how they serve at the altar. Moreover Catalina takes a lot of the doctrine that we cover in the training and presents it in a new "light."
Let me know what you think.
Photo Credit: Martin Beek, Lawrence OP
Training Recap 5/8/09
Afterwards we went up to the cry room and worked on the testing for the Missa Cantata. The only official positions up to this point are the following:
- Luke Bruck - Boat Bearer (by the way, Luke deftly handled the Boat Bearer test receiving questions read aloud from the other servers. - afterwards many of the servers remarked that one day they'll want to be Boat Bearer when he becomes a thurifer.)
- Joseph Yellico - Torch Bearer
- Sam Dehority - Torch Bearer
Congrats to Seraphim Sam and Joseph Y. for making it through the testing with only having been to one or two Missa Cantata practices. Greaty job!
More on results from the other positions to come. Next training session is Monday May 11th. Seraphim go from 4:15 to 5:45 and finish out the Low Mass. Cherubim, Sam Dehority, and Joseph Yellico will go from 6 - 8 pm for the full Missa Cantata run through.
Keep it up everyone! All of the servers have been doing an awesome job studying, training, and serving the Lord. Thanks to all of the parents for their hard work in helping this ministry exist. Thanks to everyone for their prayers for our serving ministry. Without God we would not be here.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Training Recap - 5/4/09
- This Friday, May 8th we'll have another Missa Cantata training session from 5 - 7 pm. The first half will be in the Sanctuary doing a Missa Cantata run-through. The second half will be testing which will occur in classrooms 1 and 2 upstairs. All Cherubim need to be there. Any Seraphim interested in serving as Torch Bearers need to be there as well.
- Monday May 11th the Seraphim who are not in the Missa Cantata will attend practice from 4:45 to 5:45. Then from 6 - 8 pm the rest of the servers will participate in a live rehearsal of the Missa Cantata. Terese and the schola as well as Fr. Reid will be in attendance for this rehearsal. We need to be on the ball for this which is why the tests will be this Friday.
- Monday May 18th practice will have the last separated practices with the Seraphim going from 4:15 to 6:15 pm. Cherubim will be there from 5:45 to 7:30 pm. Terese Rowe will be instructing again from 5:45 to 6:15pm, which is why the times are extended.
- Thursday May 21st 7:00 pm is the start time for the Missa Cantata. All servers (Cherubim and Seraphim) need to present no later than 6:15 pm dressed and ready to help out.
This is going to be an awesome Mass. Keep up the good work!