Thursday, October 15, 2009

Missa Cantata Officially Canceled

Greetings from Spokane, WA! So, I've been emailing with Fr. Reid back and forth for the last few days. Yesterday evening, Fr. Reid called the ball and canceled the Missa Cantata on the 24th. The major rationale for the cancellation was the delay in getting the marble installed. Apparently there won't be a guarantee that the entire Sanctuary will be available, and while rubrics allow for flexibility in a Novus Ordo, there's specific requirements for a MEF where the entire Sanctuary needs to be accessible.

Fr. Reid has expressed deep regret in this decision, but he feels it's the most appropriate given the circumstances. We must trust in the reign of our Lord Jesus Christ and look forward to the next Missa Cantata which has yet to be rescheduled.
This news, while disappointing, is actually good news for a number of reasons:
  1. We'll be able to train in a completed Sanctuary for the Low Mass and a future Missa Cantata without guess-work on how things might turn out.
  2. We'll be able to schedule training sessions and rehearsals in advance, avoiding the confusion of last minute scheduling based on the availability of the Sanctuary and Fr. Reid.
  3. We won't be rushing to get everything in order the day before the Missa Cantata.
  4. The completed Sanctuary will truly provide the appropriate setting for the TLM with the completed altar, ambo, and altar rail.

I have to take a moment and thank the servers and their families for all of their work for the past few weeks. It was intense and short of one more training session to see how the Sanctuary would look and polish off some details, it was going to be a great Missa Cantata.

We will still have the training on Friday October 23rd from 4:15 to 5:45 pm as previously scheduled but will cancel the training on Monday October 26th.

Please note that while this blog will send posts out via emails, it is important to check the blog because emails can be deleted or overlooked and pertinent information may be missed. Posts will always be accessible on the blog.

New schedules will be out hopefully in the next few days. Please feel free to call or email me tomorrow.


  1. In all likelihood, will the Missa Cantata be held this year? -Joseph B.

  2. After talking with Fr. Reid, I would say probably not Joseph. He hasn't decided on a new date yet.
